Castleside Primary School

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SEN Transition

How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school

When a child with SEND starts our school, we will liaise with the parents to ensure that the transition is smooth and sensitively carried out. A home visit may be undertaken to get to know the child before they start our school.

How we support children/young people with SEND moving between classes in our school

As we are a small school, the children in our school know all of the staff. We ensure that children spend time with their new teacher before moving class, planning transition days into the summer term. Teachers meet to discuss the needs of the children before the start of the autumn term. Teachers and teaching staff liaise with the SENDCo to ensure that each child’s needs and provision are shared and individual information is passed on well in advance of the new school year.

How we support children/young people with SEND leaving our school

We have set up effective links with our local secondary school. The children in year 6 are visited by a transition worker before they move schools and transition visits begin in year 5. Teachers from the secondary school meet with the SENDCO and class teacher in the summer to pass on SEND information. The SENDCo will visit the secondary school to discuss individual children and ensure that information relating to needs and provision is shared well in advance of the child starting school. For some children, extra visits after school are planned with parents and SENDCo to help prepare children and ease the transition process.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

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