Castleside Primary School

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In history children explore, investigate and answer questions in order to gain knowledge and understanding of a given topic, local, national or worldwide. Each topic helps to build upon children’s current knowledge and skills. A wide range of visits and visitors support this learning.

History in the EYFS

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of History through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World’. This aspect is about how children find out about past and present events in their own lives, their families and other people they know. Children are encouraged to develop a sense of change over time and are given opportunities to differentiate between past and present by observing routines throughout the day, growing plants, observing the passing of seasons and time and looking at photographs of their life and of others. Practitioners encourage investigative behaviour and raise questions such as, ‘What do you think?’, ‘Tell me more about?’, ‘What will happen if..?’, ‘What else could we try?’, ‘What could it be used for?’ and ‘How might it work?’ Use of language relating to time is used in daily routines and conversations with children for example, ‘yesterday’, ‘old’, ‘past’, ‘now’ and ‘then’.

History in KS1 and KS2

In line with our whole school curriculum aims, our history curriculum intends to:

  • Develop a coherent knowledge of significant historical individuals and events of Britain’s past and of the wider world;
  • Cultivate curiosity, enquiry, perspective and critical thinking skills to equip them to challenge and identify their place within society;
  • Develop and deploy an accurate use of vocabulary to evidence historical claims. Children should interpret and debate, make connections and analyse their community and the wider world.

Documents relating to our history curriculum can be found below. We have taken the aims and objectives from the National Curriculum and used them to create the Castleside History Curriculum.


New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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