Castleside Primary School

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Class Two

Welcome to Class 2

Miss Hughes is Class 2's teacher. Class 2 is a mixed aged, Year 1 and Year 2 class.

Please explore it to find out information about what your children have been learning and how you can help them at home.

Our Curriculum

On a morning we work through Phonics, English and Maths. On an afternoon we have lots of lessons, such as; Geography, History, Science, Art, DT, PE and many more.




Spellings will be set each week on a Friday. These will be sent using Class Dojo and will include the spelling rule. A paper copy of spelling activities will also be sent with children. We subscribe to Ed Shed and the children will be set spelling 'assignments' each week in 'Spelling Shed.' This is a game that will help support the learning of spellings. 


Similar to spelling, assignments will be set through Ed Shed for Maths. Children can play games in 'Maths Shed' to improve their calculation skills and mental recall of important facts.


All of the children are encouraged to read daily and to foster a love of reading, choosing to do it for pleasure. Books are shared regularly and celebrated in class. Children are rewarded for reading at home with Class Dojos.  Children will complete Accelerated Reader quizzes in school, once they have completed a book.



New College Durham Academies Trust

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