Castleside Primary School

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Childcare Provision

Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.

Castleside Primary School offers a full range of childcare provision which we have listed below:

After School Club

Our after school club is currently available from 3.15 – 4.15pm Monday to Friday during term time. Children will be served a snack and a drink and have a number of activities to choose from.


£2.50 for one hour (or part of). Parents who are in receipt of Tax Credits may be entitled to help with childcare costs. This includes our after school club.

Further information about registered or approved childcare shows that school based childcare is included in the criteria. For further information about who is entitled to help with childcare costs, look on the do you qualify? area of the HMRC website. 

For further information please contact the school.

If you would like to book After School Club please contact the school.

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club is run by Mrs Elliot and Mrs Sharpe. The club runs from 8.00am until 8.45am each morning during term time. It costs £2.50 per child per day. Children can enjoy a healthy breakfast of cereal, fruit and toast. They have a range of activities to select from with their friends.

If you would like to book breakfast club please contact the school.

School Clubs

You can find out about other After School activities in our School Clubs section on our website.

New College Durham Academies Trust

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